Green smoothie recipe

Try this fantastic green breakfast smoothie full of good fats and protein. Perfect pre-workout breakfast. Ingredients: 1 apple,  half an avocado, tablespoon each of greek yoghurt and linseeds, teaspoon each of chia seeds and greens powder, large handful of spinach leaves, scoop of vanilla protein powder and 300ml almond milk.

Foam rollers

A fabulous and inexpensive piece of equipment that brings fantastic benefits when incorporated into your fitness routine. The roller provides myofascial release (self massage) allowing contracted muscles to relax, which improves blood flow and nutrient flow to the area. Muscles operate with a smoother and better range of motion.  Foam rolling can help to decrease … Read more

How to stay motivated to exercise in winter

Write down your plan At the start of the week make a plan setting out what exercise you are going to do and when.  Factor in nights out and schedule a rest day or stretching session for the day after.  Make it realistic and stick to it.  Ticking off the session once you’ve completed it … Read more