
It is easy to get stuck doing the same workout each week particularly if you are working out on your own at home.  It might tick the box of moving more and burning calories but it might not give you the desired outcome.  Having a plan and pushing yourself that little bit harder each week … Read more

Tips for getting back into your gym workout

A few tips if you are heading back into the gym this weekend: Don’t expect to lift the same weights that you were pre lockdown.  I would recommend reducing the weight you lift by 30/40% and no more than 3 sets of each exercise. Take your time and concentrate on your technique. Make sure that it is spot on before increasing your weights again.  This can be … Read more

Struggling with motivation

Struggling to motivate yourself to exercise right now? Exercise doesn’t always have to be about pushing your body to its limits – not every run has to be your fastest, the weights you lift don’t have to be the heaviest. Just turn up and you will likely find you can do more than you thought … Read more

Press ups

A pre lockdown photo of my lovely client working on her press ups. If you find full press ups hard, start with a more upright surface to place your hands against. I often start my clients doing a press up against the wall, the further the feet are away from the wall the tougher they … Read more

New to running?

Some tips to help you if you are new to running. Don’t be fooled into thinking runners jump out of bed excited for their run, it is entirely normal to feel the opposite!  Start slow, don’t set off too fast or you’ll burn out too soon. You can always speed up if it feels easy. … Read more

Is high intensity training a good idea?

There are a lot of HIIT (high intensity interval training) type work outs online but is this the correct thing to be doing right now? ? High Intensity exercise raises our cortisol levels (the stress hormone). When stress or anxiety levels are already high it may not be wise to raise them further. Stress can … Read more

Consistency is the key

Consistency, in my opinion, is the most important factor in achieving your goals. plan your workouts for the week ahead but be REALISTIC. How much time do you really have to exercise- 3 or 4 times a week? Then plan for 3. It can be demoralising to plan for more and never get that last … Read more

Top Tips for Getting Results

I presented my ‘Top Tips for Getting Results’ talk at Babylon Cafe in Raynes Park last night at The Wardrobe Girl’s summer event. It was such a wonderful fun evening.  So nice to meet such a lovely group of local ladies. For those that missed it these are my 8 top tips: 1. Set yourself … Read more